"Articles shopping indispensables pour des tenues haut de gamme et tendance. Principaux produits : t-shirts,Chemise,Vêtements pour jambes,Tricots,Les femmes,hommes, "
"Articles shopping indispensables pour des tenues haut de gamme et tendance. Principaux produits : t-shirts,Chemise,Vêtements pour jambes,Tricots,Les femmes,hommes, " "Articles shopping indispensables pour des tenues haut de gamme et tendance. Principaux produits : t-shirts,Chemise,Vêtements pour jambes,Tricots,Les femmes,hommes, "
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(G)I-DLE - [2] 2nd Album 3 Version SET

Release Date: January 30, 2024

Contents (per version):

  • 1 CD
  • 1 Booklet (96 pages)
  • 1 Photo Card (random out of 5 types)
  • 1 Lyric Paper
  • 1 Film Photo Card (random out of 5 types)
  • 1 Mini Poster (random out of 5 types)
  • 1 Message Card (random out of 5 types)
  • 1 Envelope
  • 1 Sticker

Pre-order Benefits (per version):

  • 1 Folded Poster


Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.


All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.

Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.


Track List

01. Super Lady
02. Revenge
03. Doll
04. Vision
05. 7Days
06. 나는 아픈 건 딱 질색이니까
07. Rollie
08. Wife


Description (Translated):

An ode to the beauty and power of 'Super Lady'
The brilliant return of concept masters (G)I-DLE

(G)I-DLE’s second regular album [2]

In 2023, the sixth mini-album title song 'Queencard' topped the domestic music charts and at the same time won the title of 'Million Seller', breaking its own record and later entering the 41st place on the Billboard 200 chart in the United States as well as in Korea. '2023 (G)I-DLE WORLD TOUR [I am FREE-TY]' held in 18 cities around the world, (G)I-DLE, who proved their strong global popularity through their first English album [HEAT], made another huge impact causes

(G)I-DLE's second full-length album [2] (Two), which returns after about eight months, shows the potential for a twist and musical solidity of the five members who will demonstrate the hidden energy just as the number '5' turns over to become '2'. This shows strong confidence in the second full-length album.

The title song 'Super Lady' is a song addressed to all the 'Super Ladies' in the world, and sings without hesitation about the beauty and strength each of them possesses. The message of 'Let's work together and move forward' no matter what hardships and adversity may come, combined with (G)I-DLE's explosive performance armed with confidence and confidence, gives listeners an overwhelming impression.

This album will also increase authenticity and completeness by having members participate in composing and writing lyrics for all tracks, while also showing an expanded musical world by including tracks that are entirely in English, such as '7Days' and 'Rollie'.

The second track, 'Revenge', overwhelms the beginning of the song with its classic and unique sound and lyrics about the other person's pain being the only joy in life. In particular, the distorted bass guitar riff and tense synth sound double the weight of the song. The third track, 'Doll', is a song dedicated to the person who treated love like a toy, and the dark atmosphere and powerful chant section are attractive. The fourth track, 'Vision', has captivating lyrics that say anything can be achieved in hallucinations and dreamy chords on a tense beat, creating a unique atmosphere for the song. The fifth track, '7Days', is a hybrid style song that combines drum & bass beats on an emotional guitar riff, and contains the excitement of wanting to spend time with a loved one forever. The sixth track, 'Because I Hate Being Pain', is a song that expresses 'fate' that suddenly appeared one day with witty lyrics, and the punk-based, minimal and colorful band sound is attractive. The seventh track, 'Rollie', is a song that directly expresses the flashy and confident 'I', and delivers the song's message in a more unique way through the dynamic and vintage Pluck sound. The last track, 'Wife', is an impressive song with trendy and cute lyrics that only '(G)I-DLE' can express, along with a Bubblegum Bass-based pop track and a unique and sophisticated sound.

(G)I-DLE's second full-length album [2], which solidly tells the story of 'everyone' that everyone can relate to in (G)I-DLE's own way.

We hope that (G)I-DLE's second full-length album [2] will become a new fuse for everyone who is ready to embrace the power and beauty hidden within.

01. Super Lady
Composed by Soyeon, Pop Time, Daily, Likey
Lyrics by Soyeon
Arranged by Pop Time, Daily, Likey, Soyeon

“Dear all the ladies.”

02. Revenge
Composed by Soyeon, Pop Time, Kako
Lyrics by Soyeon
Arranged by Pop Time, Kako, Soyeon

“I have revenge I must take.”

03. Doll
Composed by Wooki, BOYTOY, MOJO, Jayins, Seunghoon Lee (PLZ)
Lyrics by Wooqi, BOYTOY, Jayins, MOJO
Arranged by Seunghoon Lee (PLZ)

“Your playing with dolls is over.”

Composed by Minnie, BreadBeat, Shin Kung
Lyrics by Miyeon, Minnie, Roydo
Arranged by BreadBeat, Shin Kung

“I will paint my desire in the color I want on white drawing paper.”

05. 7Days
Composed by Minnie, BreadBeat
Lyrics by Minnie, Tim Tan
Arranged by BreadBeat

“7 Days like an eternal dream.”

06. Because I just hate being sick
Composed by Soyeon, Pop Time, Daily, Likey
Lyrics by Soyeon
Arranged by Pop Time, Daily, Likey, Soyeon

“There are things in this world you can never believe.”

07. Rollie
Composed by Wooki, BOYTOY, Melli (PLZ), 213 (PLZ), MOJO, Milli Oshyun
Lyrics by Woogi, BOYTOY, Melli (PLZ), 213 (PLZ), MOJO
Arranged by 213 (PLZ), MOJO, Milli Oshyun, BOYTOY

“The price cannot be measured, the issue maker, the ‘me’ itself.”

Composed by Soyeon, Daily, Likey, Pop Time
Lyrics by Soyeon
Arranged by Daily, Likey, Pop Time, Soyeon

“But I’m not.”


Description (Original):

'Super Lady'의 아름다움과 그 힘에 대한 찬가
콘셉트 장인 (여자)아이들의 화려한 귀환

(여자)아이들 두 번째 정규 앨범 [2]

2023년, 여섯 번째 미니 앨범 타이틀 곡 '퀸카 (Queencard)'로 국내 음원 차트 정상 등극과 동시에 '밀리언셀러'의 타이틀을 거머쥐며 자체 신기록을 갱신, 이후 국내뿐만 아니라 미국 빌보드 200 차트 41위 진입, 전 세계 18개 도시에서 진행된 '2023 (G)I-DLE WORLD TOUR [I am FREE-TY]', 첫 번째 영어 앨범 [HEAT]를 통해 강력한 글로벌 인기를 입증한 (여자)아이들이 또 한 번의 거대한 파장을 일으킨다.

약 8개월 만에 돌아온 (여자)아이들의 정규 2집 [2] (Two)에서는 숫자 '5'를 뒤집으면 '2'가 되듯 이면에 숨겨진 에너지를 발휘할 다섯 멤버들의 반전의 가능성과 음악적 견고함을 담아 두 번째 정규 앨범에 대한 강한 자신감을 드러낸다.

타이틀 곡 'Super Lady'는 이 세상 모든 'Super Lady'에게 전하는 곡으로, 각자가 가진 아름다움과 강인함에 대해 가감 없이 노래한다. 그 어떤 고난과 역경이 닥치더라도 '함께 힘을 합쳐 전진하자'라는 메시지는 자신감을 넘어 당당함으로 무장한 (여자)아이들의 폭발적인 퍼포먼스와 함께 어우러져 듣는 이들로 하여금 벅찬 감동을 선사한다.

이번 앨범 역시 모든 트랙에 멤버들이 작곡, 작사에 참여함으로써 진정성과 완성도를 높임과 동시에 '7Days', 'Rollie'와 같이 전체 영어인 트랙을 포함하여 한층 확장된 음악적 세계를 선보일 예정이다.

두 번째 트랙 'Revenge'는 상대의 고통이 살아가는 유일한 낙이 된다는 가사와 클래식하고 유니크한 사운드가 곡의 시작을 압도한다. 특히 디스토션 사운드의 베이스 기타 리프와 긴박한 신스 사운드는 곡의 무게감을 배가시킨다. 세 번째 트랙 'Doll'은 사랑을 장난감 다루듯 했던 상대에게 바치는 곡으로 다크한 분위기의 트랙과 파워풀한 챈트 구간이 매력적이다. 네 번째 트랙 'Vision'은 환각 속에서는 무엇이든 이룰 수 있다는 매혹적인 가사와 텐션감 있는 비트 위 몽환적인 코드가 곡 특유의 분위기를 만들어 냈다. 다섯 번째 트랙 '7Days'는 감성적인 기타 리프 위에 Drum & Bass의 비트감이 어우러진 하이브리드 스타일의 곡으로 사랑하는 사람과 영원히 함께 시간을 보내고 싶은 설렘을 담았다. 여섯 번째 트랙 '나는 아픈 건 딱 질색이니까'는 어느 날 불쑥 나타난 '운명'을 위트 있는 가사로 표현한 곡으로 펑크 기반의 미니멀하고 알록달록한 밴드 사운드가 매력적이다. 일곱 번째 트랙 'Rollie'는 화려하고 당당한 '나'의 모습을 직설적으로 표현한 곡으로 역동적이고 빈티지한 Pluck 사운드를 통해 곡의 메시지를 더욱 유니크하게 전달한다. 마지막 트랙 'Wife'는 Bubblegum Bass 기반의 팝 트랙과 독특하고 세련된 사운드 위 오직 '(여자)아이들'만이 표현할 수 있는 트렌디하고 귀여운 가사가 인상적인 곡이다.

누구나 공감할 '모두'의 이야기를 (여자)아이들만의 방식으로 견고하게 풀어낸 (여자)아이들 두 번째 정규 앨범 [2]

내면에 숨겨진 힘과 아름다움을 기꺼이 맞이할 준비가 된 모든 이들에게 (여자)아이들의 두 번째 정규 앨범 [2]가 새로운 도화선이 되기를 바란다.

01. Super Lady
Composed by 소연, Pop Time, Daily, Likey
Lyrics by 소연
Arranged by Pop Time, Daily, Likey, 소연

“Dear all the ladies.”

02. Revenge
Composed by 소연, Pop Time, Kako
Lyrics by 소연
Arranged by Pop Time, Kako, 소연

“나는 해야만 하는 복수가 있다.”

03. Doll
Composed by 우기, BOYTOY, MOJO, 제인스 (Jayins), 이승훈 (PLZ)
Lyrics by 우기, BOYTOY, 제인스 (Jayins), MOJO
Arranged by 이승훈 (PLZ)

“네 마음대로 했던 인형놀이는 끝.”

04. Vision
Composed by 민니, BreadBeat, 신쿵
Lyrics by 미연, 민니, 로이도 (Roydo)
Arranged by BreadBeat, 신쿵

“하얀 도화지 위 내가 원하는 색의 욕망을 칠할게.”

05. 7Days
Composed by 민니, BreadBeat
Lyrics by 민니, Tim Tan
Arranged by BreadBeat

“영원한 꿈같은 7Days.”

06. 나는 아픈 건 딱 질색이니까
Composed by 소연, Pop Time, Daily, Likey
Lyrics by 소연
Arranged by Pop Time, Daily, Likey, 소연

“세상에는 절대 믿을 수 없는 일이 있다.”

07. Rollie
Composed by 우기, BOYTOY, Melli (PLZ), 213 (PLZ), MOJO, Milli Oshyun
Lyrics by 우기, BOYTOY, Melli (PLZ), 213 (PLZ), MOJO
Arranged by 213 (PLZ), MOJO, Milli Oshyun, BOYTOY

“가격 측정 불가, 이슈 메이커, 그 자체인 '나'.”

08. Wife
Composed by 소연, Daily, Likey, Pop Time
Lyrics by 소연
Arranged by Daily, Likey, Pop Time, 소연

“But I'm not.”

(G)I-DLE - [2] 2nd Album 3 Version SET

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